CNC Milling
In the CNC Milling machines, which are equipped with automatic coupling systems, high-technology CNC milling is made 5-axis and high speed.
Our CNC milling processing philosophy is built on zero error and processing.
Therefore, some moulds can be finished without a need for spotting; whereas in complex and morphed surfaces, high quality moulds are manufactured with minimum spotting.
Polishing procedure is carried out in-house in MTN . Since polishing is the last phase of mould production, it is an important process that should be completed meticulously.
As MTN , we are aware of this fact, therefore, departure angle and flatness checks of the mould after the polishing procedure are made without delay.
In parts that requires high precision visually or dimensionally, special methods are applied and customer satisfaction is achieved in the maximum level by combining this with our experience in polishing.
In assembly stations equipped with special apparatus, compliance of the mould parts manufactured is ensured by carrying out the measurement procedure and these are carefully assembled.
Our staff, experienced in mould assembly, finds the opportunity to become even more experienced each year with trainings provided and completes important projects successfully. Parts are manufactured in all conventional machines by using special apparatus.
Mould Spotting Press
The production philosophy of MTN Kalıp is to produce the parts on CNC benches in accordance with the drawings and to manufacture the mould with minimum spotting or tuning even, if possible, without any spotting at all.
In case of moulds, for which spotting is nonetheless deemed necessary; the said procedure is carried out by our own means and devices.
With our new technology mould spotting press investment, our capacity and speed in doing this will increase considerably.